Lay-a-way is an easy way to make purchases that might otherwise cramp your budget. It's a purchase plan designed for customers who want to buy merchandise without using credit or paying the full price immediately. It allows you to buy the furniture your really want regardless of your household income or credit status.
Lay-a-way Plans are different from financed purchases. When you finance a purchase you take the merchandise before you pay in full. Financing may also involve extra charges such as interest charges and other fees. When you use our Lay-a-way Plan you pay in installments before getting the merchandise and there are no additional fees or charges to our customers.
Our Lay-a-way Plan is convenient for many people. If you do not have a credit card or if you want to avoid the interest charges of a credit card or maybe you don't need the merchandise for a few months. This will make it much easier for you to budget yourself according to your needs.
All Price Rite Lay-a-way Accounts are 180 days and require a 10% deposit for activation.
New customers can set up a Price Rite Lay-a-way Account by clicking the button below:
Set up a New Price Rite Lay-a-way account
Existing customers can check the status of their Price Rite Lay-a-way Account by using the login button below:
Log into your Price Rite Lay-a-way Account